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Grab Your Free Power-Up Audio

Need a Boost?

Elevate Your Day Instantly!

Seize Life’s Magic

Brilliant Transformation:

5 Pivotal Words!

15 Tips in One Cheat Sheet

Be Unstoppable:

Ignite Your Power-Now!

“Energy is not only the basis of our existence, it is the fuel that makes everything in our lives real and possible” Tony Robbins

There is energy in everything! Even words have power, a single word of positivity can be enough to energetically change the way you think about anything. Energy shows up in confidence, and by sharing your positive energy with others, it can help change their life too.

You only have one life. This is your one shot at it, so make sure you give it everything. The words you say, and the energy and confidence you exude really matter, and can set you on an amazing new path. When you change your words and your mental energy, you will do more than you ever thought possible. It’ll set you free, and it’ll make you feel alive. Are you ready?

What I do

I show up every day for myself and for those who need me. Showing up is so much more than being present and going through the motions. It’s about choosing a positive mindset that allows you to contribute to others. I’ll teach you to show up every day in a positive energetic way, and how to confidently utilize words to fuel your life.

  Who Is This For?

For 45 years, in retail sales and a Realtor®, I’ve been coaching, mentoring and helping  women show up every day in a confident positive way, create success, not only in their business life, but in their personal lives, So if you’re Ready To “Show Up” you can” have both.

How positivity eliminates stress
I Don't Just Preach It. I Live it!

I have been there and overcome/failed and overcome again with my own challenges and tragedies in my life. So I live my life through the energy of words because it works. And I practice it every day.

I know what it feels like and I can empathize.

I can empathize with my clients because I have been through not just one thing but, loneliness, depression, divorce, financial fails, deaths, loss, personal physical traumas, sickness, and more.

I don't judge and I'll be there for you.

I am non-judgmental, as I have been judged. I am open, direct, but supportive at all times.

I acknowledge you and your story.

I believe in acknowledging you and your story, and what your pain is. You are a gift and you matter.

I'll be your life's cheerleader.

I am compassionate and have a positive attitude, which is contagious.

Get in Touch!

Empower and Persevere


I have partnered with B1G1 to help others in need. Join me in making a difference in someone else’s life today. Every $1 counts.

Who Am I?

They see me as life’s cheerleader,
but it wasn’t always that way …


I’ll show you how to NEVER lose momentum again!

One positive decision leads to another, and then another, and then a thousand more. Before you know it you’ve changed your whole world, and it can all start with a single word. I want to show you that when you commit to you, you will live your life on your terms. It’s amazing, and I know it will change your life. because it changed mine.

 The Power of Positive Energy

Never sweat the small stuff

The little things in life consume us, drain us, and overtake us. But when you’re old will you look back and wish you’d checked your email faster? Or had a better phone? Of course not! You’ll wish you’d lived the energetic positive life you wanted to, so why not do it?

Wave goodbye to toxic words

Words can make you, and they can also break you. There are toxic words that are so negative they’ll stop you in your tracks. We’re going to block them out so they don’t derail you. Let me show you how you to never lose momentum ever again!

Change how you speak to yourself

You’d be kind to others, so why aren’t you being kinder to yourself? I’ll show you that a simple shift to kindness will transform what you’re capable of. You can do this!

Connect with a new world

There’s a whole world out there, so why not get out and explore it? People, places, ideas; they’re all waiting for a kind and positive soul to join them. It’s your turn!

“I have worked with Patricia for several years personally and in business, and she always puts things in perspective, she helped me change my inner dialog from negative to positive and doors began to open, I am forever grateful.”

Kathy J.

“Patricia has changed my life, her positive energy and attitude continually helps me move forward and she has changed the way I look at things, I am aware of the words I use now, and how they have created a positive change in my life and business. She is my go-to coach.”

Becki D.

“I love Patricia Love. She didn’t judge, she was kind and patient, she helps me realize that I was good enough, and it happened quickly. Can’t say enough good things.”

Jacki D.

How gratitude creates positivity

5 Keys To Happiness

Here are the 5 keys that WILL open doors to a rich, full, and abundant life.

The email is on its way!

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