How To Travel On A Budget And Have Fun Too
Patricia Love

Been itching to go on vacation halfway around the world but do not have the kind of money to fund it? Do not worry! With these money-saving tips, you, too, can travel to your heart’s content without breaking the bank.

How To Travel On A Budget And Have Fun Too

Travel is one of the greatest joys of this life. The chance to explore new places, meet new people, and learn about the different cultures worldwide – what could be better than this?! 

If it were up to me, no month would pass me by in which I did not take a little trip. But alas, the world does not function that way. Traveling is expensive, and I need to work hard at my job to be able to afford a decent vacation and satisfy my wanderlust every few months.

Even so, I have always loved to travel. Though it is much easier to fund these adventures for myself now, it proved to be a real challenge when I was a student. With only a part-time job to see me through, globetrotting was not very convenient. However, with the passage of time and trips, I picked up some money pinching habits to make my travels much cheaper than they would have been otherwise.

Here I am writing this blog post, to make sure what helped me will now help someone else. Here is how to travel on a budget and still have fun!

Little Money Pinching Habits Go A Long Way

Before we begin with the essential tips and tricks to traveling on a budget, there is one thing that you should be clear about. There is no such thing as too little return when it comes to saving money. When you see a chance to hold on to that penny, make sure you do so. It is what you save little by little that might help you afford that dream vacation. Never stick your nose up when it comes to being smart with your finances.

Now, with that out of the way, let’s begin.

Start planning as early as possible

We will start this list with one of the most integral secrets of budget travel – prior planning. The earlier you begin your preparations for the journey, the less it is likely to cost you. This is because early planning will give you ample time to draft a detailed budget and pick the best deals out of the available options.

Early planning also gives you the chance to save up for the upcoming trip here and there. It gets you the cheapest flight tickets, allows you to do your research and avail all discounts, and avoid a whole lot of unnecessary expenses.

Be sure to compare the fare before you book your flight

Another great tip to cutting down the costs of your travels is always to compare the fare. Never book the first available flight, no matter where you want to go. Like any veteran tourist will tell you, airfares can fluctuate greatly depending on several factors.

These include the airline you choose, the closer the departure date is, and the year’s time. Even picking the right time of the week can significantly cut down your airfare. And,If you are a frequent traveler, being part of an airline’s loyalty program can also help you travel in style without the overwhelming price tag. 

Do not lug around unnecessary baggage

 Every seasoned traveler you meet will always sing praises of traveling light. When you are not bound by huge suitcases that you can’t move by yourself, you can truly experience the freedom that comes with traveling. With no expensive luggage to look after, you can explore all that this new place offers without the fear of getting robbed or losing the valuables.

However, another lesser-known benefit of traveling light is not paying extra for it at the airport. Being charged half of my ticket price to move another few pairs of clothes and shoes is not how I like to start my vacation. For this reason, I try to carry as little as possible whenever I travel. I always weigh my luggage at home before I set out for the airport and chuck out some stuff if it goes over the weight limit.

Never plan a trip around the holidays

 I have already mentioned how airfares tend to surge around certain times in the year. However, your flight ticket is not the only thing you will be spending on in your travels that sees this escalation in prices. The same goes for almost every other travel necessity as well – be it accommodation, tours, car rental services, and different tourist activities that attracted you to your destination in the first place.

A tourist trying to do more with less in the pocket should never plan a trip around the holidays or the busy summer months. The best time to schedule your trip would be during the shoulder season – the small window of time that you get just between the busy tourist season and bad weather. This is the time when you will easily find the best travel deals, with a much lesser crowd that gets in the way of your sightseeing.

Wrapping It Up

While travel is generally expensive, there are tons of ways you could prevent spending on unnecessary expenditures. If you do your research and plan everything accordingly in a smart way, you can indeed travel on a budget without having to give up fun activities.

With these tips, I hope that you will finally go on that vacation you have been dying for. There is only one thing to remember. The secret is to recognize where spending is avoidable, and where splurging will give you an experience that you will never forget. Bon Voyage! For more travel blogs


As an active Realtor®, and in sales for 45 years in Washington State, Patricia coaches women in sales to “Refuel” by turning their “I Can’t” into “I Can.” She interrupts the negative behaviors that have sabotaged them and helps them create a new path towards positive results. Albert Einstein once said “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting different results.”

Patricia’s own story of trauma, death, and a slew of bad decisions as a young adult, forced her to flip her own inner script, or face alternative consequences. By interrupting and healing the negative behaviors that sabotaged her, she was able to find the courage, and new found energy to move forward in all areas of her life. She did this with the action of five words.

These inspiring words created her Exclusive Diamond Method”, as Patricia believes we are all a diamond in the rough, just waiting to shine! So, begin the healing, and shine bright like a diamond.

Contact Patricia to start the new life so you too, will shine!

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