Building Confidence/My Latest Podcast, Is our life better if we had more confidence? How do we build confidence though? Confidence in what? Also Listen to how I believe “meditation” is hard for a lot of people…just the word freaked me out, but somehow I had to pause my life. Listen to how I changed that.
Turns out that it is the confidence in yourself that determines the quality of your life. In today’s “why not meditate?” podcast episode, a women’s confidence coach, Patricia Love (@coachpatricialove) shares her journey after hitting the rock bottom at the age of 57 and how she rebuilt her life from there by building her confidence back step by step. Here is the Link To The Podcast

I hope you enjoyed the podcast on confidence, please comment below with your thoughts.
#confidenceiskey #podcastguest
You Matter…I See You, and I Hear You.
Patricia Love

P.S. Don’t go till you Get 5 solutions to your confidence struggles GET THEM NOW! I call them my 5 Diamonds! It’s your time to shine!
OR go all in and reclaim your power and confidence that will change your life forever by booking a 1 on1 Call with me, to get on my coaching waitlist. OMG, I have a waitlist now…living in gratitude.