Do you realize the supremacy of mind and thoughts over our lives? The kind of life you live is not merely a random happening. Instead, it is predefined by no one else but you. Your mind is a wonderful creation and the thoughts we nurture, what we feed it on and how we train it work as the reins of our life. If we let our mind run loose and do not tend to it, it certainly goes astray and consequently, our lives become traumatic, unhappy, and depressed. This is the very reason why your mindset sets the tone for how you will spend your life.
Why Does Mindset Matter
While we are all created with almost the same physical mechanism, when it comes to mindsets and approaches towards life; we differ tremendously from each other. You must have observed how even in the same family some people would be optimistic thinkers while one of them might turn out to be pessimistic and toxic. Whatever outlook we possess is ascertained by where we come from, what sort of people do we keep the company of, what kind of books we read, what our social circle is like, and many more factors. In any case, people will either have a fixed or a growth mindset. A person with a fixed mindset makes no effort to improve or heal because he or she thinks that things cannot be changed by them. However, an individual with a growth mindset will leave no stone unturned in the endeavor to find a solution to their twinges. Thus, people with a growth mindset have very bright chances of healing and self-reclamation.
So, I’ll be focusing on how this beautiful growth mindset will not only help you see the chance of coming out of grief and anxiety but also how it accelerates healing. Read on!
A Growth Mindset Pushes You Towards Introspection
If you notice, till now, we have been discussing how the basic step towards improving your life and beating anxiety and depression is to ‘acknowledge’ the pain. It matters a lot if you actually have the guts to look your trauma in the eye and accept its presence and damage. Although challenging, this step is vital. Additionally, as you know healing is beautiful but needs to be achieved patiently and consistently. So, connected to the first step is the next one which has been discussed at great length already i.e. learning to forgive yourself and others. Now, tell me, what sort of people would muster up their courage and acknowledge their trauma and then forgive others whom they deem guilty? Do you think a person with a fixed mindset will do it? Of course, not! So, it is the very growth mindset that enables you to introspect and identify the root cause of your turmoil. If you have a fixed mindset, you would never even learn the bone of contention and spend your life with a victim mentality throughout. So, only this growth mindset empowers you and makes you brave enough to take control of your thoughts and then work on them too.
You Will See The Light At The End Of The Tunnel
A positive and active frame of mind will let you see the pains of life as challenges and opportunities to fix things up for yourself. Despondency and depression would not remain your permanent buddies with a growth mindset by your side. You will be able to see the light at the end of the tunnel as with a growth mindset, you would be able to understand the fact that all traumas are here to get resolved and whatever happened to you does not define you at all. However, how you react to issues certainly defines you and so you will never lose hope of healing and moving on.
A Growth Mindset Will Give You The Power of ‘Yet’
Do you think that when I highlight the importance of a growth mindset, I demean the presence of despair in the lives of those who possess this mindset? Certainly, that is not the case. When I tell you that a growth mindset works as a catalyst in the process of recovery from childhood or any sort of trauma, I mean to say that because it never lets you give up. Instead of thinking, “I have not found any solution to this issue!” the growth mindset makes you think like this: “I have not found any solution to this issue yet!” Did you notice the difference in the tone of the two thoughts? That, exactly, is the difference between a fixed and growth mindset. So, tell me, do you think a mindset with the disposition of a loser will ever be healing soon?
What You Think You Become
Finally, who can deny the importance of how our thoughts impact us? Just like people say, “You are what you eat” it is extremely important to remember, “What you think, you become.”
So, if you carry a fixed mindset, you will only feed yourself hopelessness and giving up, and thus no urge to fight or resist the depression remains alive anymore. On the contrary, if you tell yourself every day that you are not the only one in deep waters and that things will eventually work out for you; you would not give up fighting, no matter what. So keep a track of your mindset and think like a fighter, a warrior and witness how your healing process speeds up.
Final Thoughts
To sum up, the boons of fostering a growth mindset are innumerable. It will be an intentional effort to possess a growth mindset but once you succeed in having one, your life will get benefited in all ways. Healing and recuperating from anxiety, stress, anxiety, or any sort of trauma become much easier if you ditch the fixed thoughts and keep training yourself to not give up on hope and keep fighting.
It may sound a little intimidating but then healing is reserved for those who dare to break the ills and nurture a better mindset. So, start your journey towards keeping a growth mindset and savor its perks in the days and years to come.
Check my latest guest interview on the Mike’d up Podcast
Patricia– The RahRah Coach
“Seen and (UN) Heard, A Little Girl’s Journey from Silence to Empowerment” is released

Here is a short Excerpt from my book “Seen and (un) Heard”
“Right then and there, I realized I had a choice, and that was to get off the floor and get to work. It was time to change my life, and do whatever it took to stop playing the victim. No more excuses! This was my opportunity to take my power back, and choose myself for once. I had reached rock bottom and as hard as it was for me to admit, I was fucked up. I couldn’t continue down this path any longer. It was killing me and one thing had become blatantly clear: if I didn’t change my life right now, I wouldn’t be here much longer.
That energy renewed me. I felt a new optimism about my life, and the world around me, believing in the endless possibilities available that I had closed my eyes to for so long. I was stronger than I had been giving myself credit for, and for far too long, I’d been making excuses for all the bullshit I was allowing in my life, including my poor decisions that led to a mediocre existence.”
#seenandunheard #Themaskshewore #Ihavechoices
Click Here to be get my NEW book
How you can start motivating yourself and help others
Healing Hoodies is Patricia’s special mission, to help spread positivity throughout the world. When you wear a Healing Hoodie and see the positive messages on the front and back, it makes not only you feel good, but others too. Some may see it as a sign, so you are spreading happiness and positivity without even realizing it. Grab your Healing Hoodie Here.

I created Healing Hoodies to motivate and inspire young girls, to remind them they are enough, and that they have a voice, and that their voice matters. Purchase a Healing Hoodie today and Join me in my goal of giving out 1,000,000 healing hoodies, so young girls can wrap themselves up in confidence, in order to share their gifts to the world.
100% of the net proceeds go towards my mission.

Women’s Empowerment Coach
Meet Patricia
As an active Realtor, for 28 years in Washington State, Patricia coaches women sales people by turning their “I Can’t” into “I Can.” She interrupts the negative behaviors that have sabotaged them and helps them create a new path towards positive results. Albert Einstein once said “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting different results.”
Patricia’s own story of trauma, death, and a slew of bad decisions as a young adult, forced her to flip her inner own inner script, or face alternative consequences. By interrupting and healing the negative behaviors that sabotaged her, she was able to find the courage, and the ability to move forward in all areas of her life. She did this with the action of five words.
These inspiring words created her 5 steps, she calls her 5 Diamonds, as Patricia believes we are all a diamond in the rough, just waiting to shine! So, begin the healing, and shine bright like a diamond.
Contact Patricia to start the new life so you too, will shine!
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