Oh wow, do I get that! I had been wondering, how to stop the money leak every month for years. I heard myself saying, “Why can’t I get ahead”, “I am just spinning my wheels” “I am doing everything I need to do” “I’m a hard worker” “what am I doing wrong?” Sound familiar? I know those sentences have crossed your mind, especially if your struggling with money.
You might even be making good money, but you seem to have an empty bank account at the end of the month. What? How does that happen? Well again, I feel ya. Been there, done that, and got the blasted T-shirt! Here’s what I know, I had to make some personal changes, and for me, it got to the point, that I had to get off the hamster wheel. I just couldn’t go another month without making changes to my money mindset.
Are you feeling that way right now yourself?
If so, are you ready to put more money in your pocket? Have a positive money mindset. Make this and you a priority? Then let’s do it. Here are some key changes that you MUST start with.
- Acknowledge where you are, open the bills, see what you’re spending your money on. Acknowledge the fact you have not been good with money. Be open with yourself. Truth hurts, but you can’t fix it if you don’t acknowledge it.
- Flip your inner script from thoughts of scarcity to thoughts of abundance. (don’t use the word “I can’t afford” say, “I choose not to.” Words do matter. You are redesigning your money mindset.
- Make a shopping list, and only shop once a week. The more you go to the store the more you spend.
- Create only a “NEED” mindset, You will have plenty of time for wants when you get your money under control.
- Be kind to yourself, allow for flaws, or setbacks to happen….just start again. it takes time to get into that money-saving mindset. But once you do, it will be life-changing. Your confidence will build and your pocketbook will be full. For more money blog tips go HERE.

You can do this!
There is no limit to what you can accomplish, it’s making the choice, deciding to make yourself a priority and start. There is no better time than right now, start slow, take baby steps, and soon you will begin feeling more money confident, and making better choices. You have everything you need to understand how to stop the money leak, it’s inside you, you have that power within, sometimes we just need to stop and listen. Need a bit more motivation, hit up my Pep Rally Fridays Vlog for more motivation.
I know a lot of you have asked for support, and so, that we can help each other during these trying times, I want to offer you, my private support group, with my 5 diamonds audios, at a fraction of the price. Use this coupon code, Diamonds47 This group is only for those who want to make changes now, in regards to money, anxiety, fear, career, relationships, and more. I go deep every week on each of my 5 diamond audios, so when obstacles and challenges rise again, and they will, you will be ready to handle them.
But only join, if you are ready to make yourself a priority. Use the code Diamonds47 when you go here. If you have questions, don’t hesitate to email me at Patricia@patricialove.com
Remember, YOU GOT THIS, you just have to WANT THIS.
Patricia Love,
The Rah Rah Coach!!
Patricia Love, The “RahRah” Coach, that’s me, a blogger of Life, motivational and empowerment coach for women, who flip their inner script from “I can’t” Into “I can,” I want women to break through any blocks that have sabotaged their pocketbook and life, so they can live the life they were born to live every day.
After several life traumas and challenges 12 years ago, I was forced to either
give up or get up.
But, as I look back now, I feel lucky I was able to draw on the motivational books and tips that I had studied over the years…but hadn’t put to daily use, until that fateful day, where I knew that I had no choice,
or I would end up as another statistic.
Hard work and personal dedication got me to where I am today and it is my mission to share what I have learned with women who are struggling, with finding themselves, through compassion and accountability.
I now coach other women and am on a mission to motivate and empower you through the skills and techniques I have learned, so you will be armed with tools to use daily, as you face life’s challenges. I do this through my 5 Diamonds support.
All Women deserve abundance and an equal voice! So I give 10% of my income to help motivate and empower women and girls, to help make that happen.