You Can Create A Money Mindset

You Can Create A Money Mindset

Money creates a woman to feel empowered, How great would it be to feel like you didn’t have to depend on someone else, and it became a choice to be part of someone else’s life…that’s an empowered woman. You Can Create A Money Mindset. Hi ,...
Pep Rally Friday Words That Positize

Pep Rally Friday Words That Positize

Yes it’s Pep Rally Friday, positize your life with words! Hold on… I think I might have just made up a word, POSITIZE! I like it!, How about you? But, let’s get back to the subject, words are so important, and that is what my short video is about...
Pep Rally Friday Words That Positize

It’s Pep Rally Friday, Let’s Get Motivated

It’s Pep Rally Friday, let’s get motivated, So pull out those pom-poms. Just kidding, one person with pom-poms is enough! So we know life is full of challenges and obstacles these days, but you are strong, courageous, and can handle anything that is thrown...
How Does Money Affect Your Happiness

How Does Money Affect Your Happiness

Money Money Money, I think that’s a song, digressing! But really, how does money affect your happiness? Let’s get real, it is true that money can’t buy happiness, but without it, life is not a lot of fun. Right? It’s not even tolerable, because...
How To Stop The Money Leak Now

How To Stop The Money Leak Now

Oh wow, do I get that! I had been wondering, how to stop the money leak every month for years. I heard myself saying, “Why can’t I get ahead”, “I am just spinning my wheels” “I am doing everything I need to do”...
How gratitude creates positivity

5 Keys To Happiness

Here are the 5 keys that WILL open doors to a rich, full, and abundant life.

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