Pep Rally Friday, And Staying Resilient

Pep Rally Friday, And Staying Resilient

We are all resilient, but what is resilience? It’s bouncing back, and we all do and we all will! It’s keeping the faith and having hope, so listen to this short Pep Rally Friday and feel better. Being resilient is choosing the good, and focusing on the...
Has The Universe Spoken?

Has The Universe Spoken?

As a spiritual person, I believe in karma, that there are lessons learned and that life has a way of correcting our wrongs, Is this one of those times? Is someone or something trying to get our attention? To stand up and take notice? Is someone telling us to take our...
Pep Rally Friday, And Staying Resilient

Pep Rally Friday, Don’t Let Fear Paralyze You

Every Friday I bring you hope, faith, and motivation, We all need a cheerleader in our lives. Today I want you to Breathe, You are going to be OK! You are strong and resilient. Now is the time to be caring and compassionate towards your fellow human beings. Stay...
How gratitude creates positivity

5 Keys To Happiness

Here are the 5 keys that WILL open doors to a rich, full, and abundant life.

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