My Cat Helped Me Find My Power Within

My Cat Helped Me Find My Power Within

It took me a long time to understand and embrace empowerment. The word seemed too powerful, and I never felt good enough or worthy enough to hold on to it. It’s been a journey, but once I decided to find my power within, I would never look back. My journey began...
Pep Rally Friday! Let’s Get Motivated!

Pep Rally Friday! Let’s Get Motivated!

Let’s Get Motivated! Let’s remove those fears you might be having, internal fears and external fears! Pep Rally Friday is every Friday at 12 noon PST. My goal is keep you upbeat, excited about life, so you can follow your dreams, your goals and live the...
How To Get Up And Go

How To Get Up And Go

Getting up is the worst, right? Let’s be honest with ourselves, if we could just lay in bed all day without the need for food, work, or biological needs, we would just lay there and scroll through Facebook cat videos all day. Don’t lie to yourself, you have a small...
Pep Rally Friday! Let’s Get Motivated!

Let’s Get Motivated, Pep Rally Friday!

Everyone needs a good pep talk now and then, my self included! I get down periodically and say to myself “What do you think your doing Patricia, You are no Tony Robbins, how can you inspire anyone?” Of course that is just my inner critic (let’s name...
Change Your Mindset, Change Your Finances

Change Your Mindset, Change Your Finances

We all mean well when it comes to saving money, I know I did. I told myself I will start saving money once I get to a certain age, or when I get that job. It was always, when I get to….! But in reality, you’ll only start saving money when we change our...
How gratitude creates positivity

5 Keys To Happiness

Here are the 5 keys that WILL open doors to a rich, full, and abundant life.

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