I had the great privilege of being interviewed by Katie Hardy, CEO & Founder of WholeHardy Health on her “Inside Out Wellness Podcast” Katie is a mom of 2 boys, wife of a kind-hearted soul, lover of all things that bring joy & light to the world, and certified by Duke Health in Integrative Wellness & Behavior Change.
We had a great chat, you will take away some great information that you can start to use immediately. We talk about healing the world and how to channeling your inner Beyonce during any crisis!
Wanna help heal the world? 🌍 You must start by healing yourself. “How do I know if my SELF needs healed,” you ask? 🤔 You listen to Women’s Empowerment Coach Patricia Love on today’s new episode of The Inside Out Wellness Podcast 🎙 Join us in learning how to start taking the right steps to Be. The. Change. ⚡️
Click Here To Listen To Patricia’s Interview

Click Here To Listen’s To Patricia’s Interview
I would love to know what your big take away was, and what you will do right now to create change. Let us know in the comments below.