How To Stop And Think Before You Speak

How To Stop And Think Before You Speak

Do you often find yourself thinking back to and regretting your own words? Are you one of the many affectees of the foot in mouth disease? Here are some tips to control this syndrome from someone who had to learn it the hard way. So read on: How To Stop And Think...
How To Stop Apologizing For Everything

How To Stop Apologizing For Everything

Do you find yourself saying sorry for things you shouldn’t be sorry for? Has this habit of constantly apologizing taking a toll on your self-worth? Get ready to learn how to stop apologizing for everything. How To Stop Apologizing For Everything Did you know that...
Can I choose Happiness

Can I choose Happiness

Have you ever woke up and said to yourself… I’m going to be happy today! Can I choose happiness today? Well, why not?  Choosing happiness seems like it should be easy to do, but most people seem to wait for happiness to choose them.  Or they make their...
What is an empowered woman

What is an empowered woman

What is an empowered woman? Maybe I should ask the question, what isn’t an empowered woman? It’s not the fist-pumping woman, standing in the middle of the street burning her bra that society in the past has portrayed us as. No wonder women shy away from the word...
Tips From My Mother What Would She Do?

Tips From My Mother What Would She Do?

What’s Going On As I sit in my houseboat, surrounded by the beauty of other sailboats and smell the breath of the sea, everything seems perfectly normal. But when I look in the mirror I know it’s not, I’ve never let my nails get out of control or let...
How gratitude creates positivity

5 Keys To Happiness

Here are the 5 keys that WILL open doors to a rich, full, and abundant life.

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