Easier said than done, you say? I hear you, people are always saying to us you can do it, you have the power within, right? Just create a new habit! Ha,
But…What I have found that works, above everything else, is this one line. “If it’s important to you, you will make it happen!” If it’s not, those suggestions, tips, and even expensive programs you bought will just sit on your computer, unread and forgotten. “I hear that:…” oh Gawd, she’s speaking directly to me”, well, that’s only because I have done the exact same thing. If something is not important to me, it doesn’t happen. But when I truly want something or want to change something, it is amazing how I make it happen! and I believe you do exactly the same thing.
Yes, you need to be honest with yourself, and if it is something you really want, you will make it happen. Is that called tough love? Probably, but if you think about it, it is true. How about that time, when YOU really wanted that dress, that was a bit expensive, or that that trip you wanted to take, you made it happen, didn’t you? You sure did, because it became a priority in your life. You wanted it!

So, If you want to change your life, you must make it a priority, just like that trip, or that dress, and the best way to do that is in baby steps. So below I am going to give you some easy ways to begin to change your life, by just the words you say. Sound like a plan? Well, then, let’s do it.
- Be open and willing to create change in your life, if you don’t want to change, then I would stop reading right now and go back to scrolling on IG because if you don’t truly want something, it won’t happen. Tough words, but true.
- Add these words into your life and vocabulary “Choose,” ” Not Yet,” and “Get To.” Here are some examples:
- “I am choosing not to eat that donut, I choose not to go to that party. “I choose to love myself” When you use the word “choose,” you take control. Give it a try!
- I can’t fix this, at least “Not Yet”, “l will never learn this language, well “not yet”, “I am not smart enough to do that, at least, “not yet.” By putting “Not Yet” at the end of a can’t sentence, it telling you that you have not failed, you just haven’t completely learned the task. These two words will build confidence.
- I “Get To” go to go to work, I “Get To” to clean the house, by using these 2 words “Get To” it puts a positive swing on things because there are a lot of people who would love the opportunity to “get to” do something, that you didn’t want to. “I wish I had a job, that I could “get to” go to. “Re-read number 3 and really think about it. It’s about gratitude!
- When you have a dilemma, or you run into challenges in life. Say this quote, write it down, it’s by Wayne Dyer “If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” This quote has changed my life, and it can do the same for you. it forces you to look at challenges and obstacles and even other’s opinions, from a different and fresh perspective.
So there you go, some tools, if you choose to use them, they will help you become and stay motivated in your life. Did you notice I used the word “choose?” Yes, it is your choice. You can get some more tips here.
Once you’ve tried these tools, let me know below in the comments, how they’re working for you. and how they make you feel. If you like them, I have even more in my toolbox!
If you need support, here is a couple of my support tools, take advantage of them!
My Facebook group, Powerful Words, Powerful Women – I’ve got resources here for you, I go live several times a week to check in with you, and you can always ask me your questions or share your struggles with our supportive community – we even have a PEP RALLY every Friday. What could be more positive than that?!
Happy Hour Fridays – Since we can’t go out to a happy hour, let’s check in with each other on Fridays with a zoom call! Make your favorite quarantini 🍹🍹 and join the fun! The calls are a great way for us to hang out and chat since I’m sure we’re all feeling a bit stir-crazy these days! Register for Friday Happy Hours 5PM PST
And finally – if you want to chat, my free consultation is available to help you. If life’s got you down, and you’re looking for help to make some changes – schedule a call! I’d love to chat with you!
Patricia Love, The Rah Rah Coach!!! 🎉🎉
Patricia Love, The “RahRah” Coach, is a blogger of Life, motivational and empowerment coach for women, who flips women’s inner script from “I can’t” Into “I can,” so they are able to break through any blocks that have sabotaged their pocketbook and life, so they can live the life they so deserve.
After several life traumas and challenges 12 years ago, Patricia was forced to either
give up or get up.
But, as she looks back now, she feels lucky she was able to draw on the motivational books and tips that she had studied over the years…but hadn’t put to daily use, until that fateful day, where she knew that she had no choice,
or she would end up as another statistic.
Hard work and dedication got Patricia to where she is at today and it is her mission to share what she’s learned with women who are struggling.
Patricia coaches other women and is on a mission to motivate and empower them through the skills and techniques she has learned, so they will be armed with tools to use daily, as they face life’s challenges.
All Women deserve abundance and an equal voice! Patricia gives back 10% of her income to help motivate and empower women and girls.