What’s Going On
As I sit in my houseboat, surrounded by the beauty of other sailboats and smell the breath of the sea, everything seems perfectly normal. But when I look in the mirror I know it’s not, I’ve never let my nails get out of control or let my hair begin to go grey before, I was too proud for that to happen. so it must be real. it’s just so surreal. When I drive to the store, to get my essentials the roads are empty, Yet, people are walking, talking, and smiling, while others are fighting for their lives, and others lose the fight. The invisible killer, Corvid 19 it’s all around me, but everything seems so normal. I begin to remember, Tips from my mother, what would she do?

How Do I Deal With Crisis
How do you process this mentally, if my mother were here she could help me, she had been through the wars of hell, the depression, lack of food, and survived. But, she is not here. So, like so many others we have to process this one on our own. Even though we can social distance with zoom, one still feels alone and hopeless. But, moving forward is what we need to do, not just for us, but for the people who are weaker than us. Its when challenges arise that you find out who you really are. Strength or weakness will show up in times of stress.
Tips From My Mother
If my mom was here today, she would say to me. Patricia, (that whats she called me when she wanted to make a point) you will get through this. Then she would promptly look at me with those strong but caring steel blue eyes, and she would remind me, at different times, what I should do.
But all of them came rushing into me, as I sit thinking of her, and what she would do, as I isolate myself in my 200 sq ft. with no lashes, nails, and greying hair.
- 1. Breathe, and don’t be ignorant, just because you don’t see it doesn’t mean it’s not happening.
- 2. You are tougher than you think, you’re just fearful because it’s unfamiliar.
- 3. Be a girl scout and always be prepared for anything in this world to happen.
- 4. Be humble, don’t let your ego take over, you are the same as everyone else.
- 5. Be grateful, there are so many worse things that could happen
and as normal, she would be right. She lived long and was wise, I wish I would have listened more. As now I am on my own. But, in so many ways, I am glad she’s not here, I never would have wanted her in harms way. or even the potential of suffering, as so many other mothers, fathers, daughters, and sons are right now. Instead, it is my time to rise and be strong.
The Lessons Learned
The lessons we learn are hard if you haven’t had someone close to you with the sickness, but what I do see and feel is how humanity comes together in a crisis. That the majority of people are good, caring, and love other human beings. So the lessons learned are not to give up and, if we listen to my mother, we can handle anything, life throws at us.
I think the key here is acknowledging our frailties, and our flaws, and forgiving ourselves for any selfish thoughts we might be having. To be that girl scout and step into the power within that we all have, to stay strong, and take the lessons we are learning with us. Challenges, obstacles, and crises are not new in people’s lives. It’s how we move forward and practice those lessons learned and bring them with us into the next crisis.
Just know, you are going to be OK!
Patricia Love, The Rah Rah Coach!!
Support System
I know a lot of you have asked for support. I want to help you during these trying times, and offer you, my private support group, with my 5 diamonds audios, at a fraction of the price. Use this coupon code, Diamonds47 This group is only for those who want to make changes now, in regards to money, anxiety, fear, career, relationships, and more. I go deep every week on each of my 5 diamond audios, so when obstacles and challenges rise again, and they will, you will be ready to handle them.
Make yourself a priority and join using the code Diamonds47 when you go here. If you have questions, don’t hesitate to email me at Patricia@patricialove.com
Patricia’s Bio And Story
Patricia Love, The “RahRah” Coach, that’s me, a blogger of Life, motivational and empowerment coach for women, who flip their inner script from “I can’t” Into “I can.” I want women to break through any blocks that have sabotaged their pocketbook and life, so they can live the life they were born to live every day.
After several life traumas and challenges 12 years ago, I was forced to either
give up or get up.
So, as I look back now, I feel lucky I was able to draw on the motivational books and tips that I had studied over the years. But I hadn’t put them to daily use, until that fateful day, where I knew that I had no choice,
or I would end up as another statistic.
Hard work and personal dedication brought me to where I am today. I want to share what I have learned with women who are struggling to find their personal power through compassion and accountability.
so, I am on a mission to motivate and empower you through the skills and techniques I have learned, so you will be armed with tools to use daily, as you face life’s challenges. I do this through my 5 Diamonds support.
Because all women deserve abundance and an equal voice. So I give 10% of my income to help motivate and empower women and girls, to help make that happen.